This 1TB lifetime cloud plan is way cheaper than Google Drive

Pay $70 once instead of spending $10+ each month.

Instead of paying monthly, you can pay once and own a 1TB cloud for life with FolderFort.

Get 72% off this 1TB lifetime cloud storage plan with this limited-time sale.

Photo by StackCommerce

How many subscription services come knocking at your door for a cut of your paycheck each month? Too many. Imagine how satisfying it would be to slam the door in the face of one like Google Drive once and for all with a lifetime cloud storage plan

Instead of paying monthly, you can pay once and own a 1TB cloud for life with FolderFort. This plan is on sale for $69.99 (reg. $251.64) for a limited time. They’ll never show up at your door begging for more money, and your pet pics, old files from school, and videos of grandma will be safely stored in the cloud.

You’ll pay more upfront but save in the long run

A $69.99 payment might sound like a lot right now, but this lifetime plan pays for itself in as little as seven months. If you currently have the $10/month Google Drive storage plan, you’ll technically be making back money after the seven-month mark.

We compare FolderFort to Google Drive because of its simple interface. Moving your files from the spendy platform to the affordable one should be snappy with quick upload speeds. Then, you can organize everything into neat folders.

And 1TB of cloud storage should be more than enough since it fits around 200,000 photos, millions of documents, and dozens of hours of video. If that’s not enough, FolderFort has a 2TB plan or options to upgrade.

What’s the catch? Is this a scam?

It’s not a scam, but some critics are skeptical of lifetime offerings. For example, they wonder how FolderFort can offer a lifetime subscription if there’s no guarantee that the internet and its servers will even be around in 50+ years.

Our counter to that is already stated above: As long as you get at least seven months (but it seems you’ll get far, far more) out of FolderFort, you still come out on top with savings.

This 1TB FolderFort lifetime subscription offer won’t last long. Own it for $69.99 (reg. $251.64) before this price drop ends.

FolderFort 1TB Cloud Storage Pro Plan: Lifetime Subscription - $69.99

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