Table of Contents
What comes with Instagram and Facebook Feed Posts?
An Instagram and Facebook Feed Post comes with the following:
- Image
- 60-words (copy is the same for both Instagram and Facebook)
- Tagging of Instagram and Facebook handles
What is the typical timeline and process for Social Boosting (if purchased)?
- First step is to fill out the form below. We ask that you submit this form 2-3 business days in advance of your requested run date.
- With that information, our team creates the posts and publishes it on the agreed upon run date.
- If social boosting is purchased, with that targeting information, our team will then take the posts from Facebook and Instagram and boost them until the guaranteed impressions are reached.
- Boosting of the organic posts typically occurs 2-3 days after the posts go live. This is to ensure we have captured as many organic impressions as possible before reaching the greater audience.
Content that cannot be boosted
Per META’s guidelines, the following products cannot be advertised:
- Firearms
- Non-medical drugs (drugs or substances that are not being used for an intended medical purpose or are used recreationally to achieve an altered mental state.)
- Pharmaceutical drugs (drugs that require a prescription or medical professionals to administer)
- Marijuana
- Endangered species (wildlife and plants)
- Live non-endangered animals excluding livestock
- Human blood
- Alcohol / tobacco
- Weight loss products
- Historical artifacts
- Entheogens
- Hazardous Goods and Materials
Click here to see the full list of advertising standards.