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Hear the crisp crunch of autumn leaves more clearly

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A user holds the Horizon Go by hear.com.

Photo by hear.com

Imagine the crunch of leaves underfoot, the cries of geese flying south, the wind blowing through the trees, the crackle of a bonfire. What if you couldn’t hear the sounds of fall clearly?

Good news: A 45-day, no-risk trial with Horizon hearing aids means you get to experience all of this, plus:

  • The world’s first hearing aids with dual processing
  • Crystal-clear speech understanding
  • A design so small and comfortable, you’ll forget you’re wearing it

Try Horizon with a 45-day trial


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Hint: You can add it to your list of things to look forward to in the new year.
Hint: You can add it to your list of things to look forward to in the new year.
Hint: You can add it to your list of things to look forward to in the new year.